

The Interactive TTEC Customer Experience Workshop – your blueprint for CX success!

Optimisation of customer experience architecture has been a priority for companies in 2020 given the effect the year has had on buying habits, customer needs and workforce logistics. Personalisation, automation at scale and cross-channel integration have never been more important. But with the myriad tools, processes and systems available, making effective structural changes to your CX stack can be a daunting proposition.

Chat Vs. Messaging: More Than Meets the Emoji

Customers live on their phones, but not in the same ways they used to. Prior to COVID-19, chat and messaging capabilities catered to users always on the go, then it played a vital role in servicing those who were mostly homebound and needed essential services from groceries to healthcare.

Captive Centre vs. Outsourcing: How to Pick the Right One for your Customer Service Needs

There’s no overstating the importance of having high-quality contact centres. These centres are often where customers interact with a brand more directly, and their experiences can bring swift consequences: positive experiences can lead to sales and repeat business, while negative ones can turn customers off a brand for good.

Introducing the Humanify® DEI+ BOT: Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Diversity and inclusivity conversations are no longer taboo workplace topics. Given the social justice events and topics making headlines around the world, avoiding them is no longer an option.

How to Create a Differentiated Customer Service and Customer Experience in the New Normal

In today’s uncertain economic environment, customer experience and customer service have become critical topics. But while these terms are often used interchangeably, there are crucial differences between them.

Infuse Convenience into Every Shopping Experience

The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed consumer behaviour. Many were forced to try e-commerce for the first time as non-essential retailers were all closed by the various lockdowns. As we return to relative normality there will be a stronger focus than ever on the retail industry giving customers what they want - online or in-store.

Open Talent: 3 Takeaways on the Future of the Gig Economy and Crowdsourcing

Society, technology and geography are critical factors that often shape a person's career decisions. 2020 expedited these factors, especially in the open talent economy.

Customer Acquisition vs. Retention: The Perfect Balancing Act

The art of attracting and keeping customers is a balancing act, and the pandemic was an anvil thrown onto the scale. The brands that survived the shift in everyday life knew how to not only bring in new customers, but nourish the relationship with empathy and personalisation.

NRF 2021: Trends that Retailers Bet will Outlast the Pandemic

3 Ways Contact Centres Can Create Kickstart Digital Experiences

The pandemic accelerated digital adoption of messaging, web and cloud at light speed, and in doing so contact centres have been at the front-line of large volumes of people in need for support, comfort and information.
